4 Ways to Calm your Nervous System and Enjoy Life More

If you’ve been feeling dysregulated and have difficulty relaxing or calming down from stressful events, it could be a sign that your nervous system needs a break. After sustained and persistent stress, our bodies may react more intensely to circumstances or situations that can leave us feeling exhausted or depressed.


Schedule downtime

One of the best ways to reduce stress is to schedule downtime for yourself. This can be as simple as taking a relaxing bath, reading a book, or taking a walk outdoors. Make sure to set aside time each day to do something that you enjoy without stressing about work or other obligations.

Creating a schedule can help reduce stress by allowing you to plan out your time and make sure that you are taking time for yourself. Having a set routine can help minimize the burden of unexpected obligations and make it easier to relax and enjoy your free time.

Make sure to include time for both work and relaxation in your schedule, and be sure to stick to it! I recommend using either google calendar, as it syncs across many platforms, or apple’s calendar if you are a Mac or iPhone user.

Prioritize spending time with good people

There is nothing more energizing than spending time with quality people. If you can’t handle a crowd or group, look to spend time with that one person who is easygoing and a pleasure to be around. Good friends will make you laugh and help you forget your troubles, even if only for a little while.

Whether you go out for dinner or stay in and watch a movie, just being around them will help to ease your mind. And don’t forget to return the favour! Make sure to spend time with your friends and loved ones, even when feeling good. They’ll appreciate it, and you’ll feel better about it.

Practice yoga or other forms of meditation

Stress is a natural part of life. Yoga is a great way to reduce stress. It helps to calm the mind and relax the body. Yoga has many other benefits, such as improving flexibility, strength, and breathing.

Not all types of Yoga are the same. Some help with stress more than others. For example, Yoga, which helps you stretch and breathe deeply, is better for reducing stress than Yoga, which focuses on movement. On the other hand, the Mayo Clinic describes Hatha Yoga as likely being one of the best forms of Yoga to stress.

If you are new to Yoga, watch this short introductory video of Hatha Yoga for beginners and try your best to follow along. Take note of how you feel once the exercise is completed. If you feel like it’s helped you feel better, you can access thousands of free yoga videos on Youtube. We like Yoga with Adrienne and Yoga TX.

Ditch the caffeine

Coffee might put a bounce in your step during the day but it could be contributing to anxiety and stress. Since Caffeine increases your stress response, which results in the release of the stress hormone cortisol and puts your body on edge, even when there isn’t a reason for it to be.

Caffeine consumption can also affect the sleep cycle, which leads to restlessness and poor quality sleep. Quitting caffeine can make it easier for you to fall asleep and get an undisturbed night of rest. Lack of sleep can contribute to being dysregulated and you’re also not able to be present during the day. If you find yourself waking throughout the night, try cutting back on caffeine or taking a break altogether.

Are you always feeling tired or burned out, trying to find the energy to get through the day? Do you rely on caffeine to keep you going? Do you feel like your stress is never-ending?

Get the help you deserve

If you feel ready to start getting professional help, we at Wilston Therapy can help. We are a team of professional and friendly psychotherapists that love working with a variety of people.

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